Replace the Lords with a House of Citizens

For politics to work for people like us it has to involve people like us. It’s time to replace the House of Lords with people from all walks of life, who we can trust to do right by us in parliament
After 858 years, it’s time for a House of Citizens
858 years ago, King Henry II introduced juries to our legal system. They’ve proven themselves as the backbone of the legal system, now it’s time to put ordinary people at the helm in politics too.
Sign the petition to upgrade democracy today
To Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Minister for the Constitution Nick Thomas–Symonds MP
We, the undersigned, believe Britain needs a fresh start. Politics isn’t working for us. We need a trusted body to make sure new laws are sensible and fair and hold politicians to account. Replace the feudal House of Lords with a House of Citizens to restore trust and pride in our democracy.
28,202 people have signed
81% of 35000 goal